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About Me

Hi, I'm Jessica!

And I’m so glad you stopped by! I’m the creator behind Live Well With Jessi. After being diagnosed with multiple chronic illnesses and food allergies, I had to do a complete overhaul of my previous nutrition and lifestyle practices. I started this blog as a way to share my favorite gluten and dairy-free recipes and wellness tips. My hope is that by sharing my own experiences, you will feel less alone in your own healing journey.

I originally started searching for answers to my chronic health symptoms the same way most of us do, by visiting a primary doctor followed by testing with multiple western medicine specialists. While I believe there is a time and a place for these specialists, the majority of them were unable to properly diagnose what was going on in my body. After years of searching, I started to learn more about holistic health practices and functional medicine. This is when I decided to go with an alternative route to healing. Since working with functional and integrative practitioners, I was able to discover the root causes and reasons behind many of my strange health issues: Lyme Disease, Mold Illness, MCAS, POTS, Hypothyroidism, Nutrient Deficiencies, and Food Allergies, to name a few.

At first it was overwhelming to finally have a better understanding of what I had been going through, but this eventually led to my passion for holistic wellness and creating healthy whole food based recipes with simple ingredients. While I feel I have already learned so much on this healing journey, it is still an ongoing process and I’m grateful to have you here! Let’s live well together.

xo, Jessi

Fun Facts about me

Jesus and my faith are what grounds me.
I have a twin brother. Yes, sometimes we know what the other is thinking.
My go-to fun drink is an iced miel with almond milk.
There is rarely a day that I go without some form of dark chocolate.
My two pups are our children, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
I have a BA in journalism and creative writing. And I’m currently taking nutrition courses.
My favorite recipes to create are always fun desserts.

Questions? Comments? Let's connect!


I am not a medical doctor or a registered dietician. All views expressed are my own, and any products shared are ones I trust and use myself. Please consult with your own medical team when trying any new wellness treatments/methods or products.